Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
Saosin Rilis Lagu Baru, Promises
Rabu (11/5) lalu Saosin merilis lagu baru mereka yang hadir dengan judul Promises . Ini adalah materi baru yang dibawakan sepeninggal Cove Reber vokalis lama mereka. Vokal dalam lagu ini dibawakan oleh Tillian Peterson, mantan vokalis band rock progresif asal Florida, Tides of Man. Simak langsung lagunya di bawah ini.
01 Promises by SAOSIN
Blink 182 Jelaskan Tur Amerika dan Perkembangan Album Terbaru
Kabar tentang Blink 182 yang akan segera menjalani tur Amerika yang dimulai pada bulan Agustus 2011 mendatang ternyata mendapat perhatian khusus dari penggemar mereka di ranah Eropa. Pasalnya, keinginan mereka untuk menyaksikan langsung Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus dan Travis Braker terpaksa harus ditunda satu tahun. Hal tersebut berujuk kepada keharusan Blink 182 yang akhirnya harus mengambil keputusan menunda tur Eropa yang memang seharusnya berjalan pada musim panas 2011 ini. Hal tersebut memang berefek kepada penggemar Eropa yang marah dengan mendadak jalannya Blink 182 dalam tur Amerika yang seharusnya berjalan di Eropa.
Merasa tidak enak dengan penggemar Eropa, akhirnya Mark Hoppus mengeluarkan penjelasan yang berhubungan dengan tur Amerika dan juga kepastian album baru dari Blink 182. Dalam pernyataan tersebut dirinya mengungkapkan jika tur Amerika terjadi bukan karena pembatalan dari tur Eropa yang mereka mundurkan. Tetapi perjanjian mengenai tur tersebut telah dibuat jauh hari sebelum tur Eropa direncanakan. Tur Eropa harus ditunda karena memang mengharuskan Blink 182 untuk menyelesaikan album terbaru yang masih dalam proses.
Dalam pernyataan tersebut Mark Hoppus juga mengungkapkan jika album terbaru Blink 182 akan selesai dalam beberapa minggu ke depan dan akan rilis sebelum tur Amerika dimulai yakni pada 5 Agustus 2011 hingga 15 Oktober 2011 mendatang.
Inilah penjelasan resmi dari Mark Hoppus mewakili Tom DeLonge dan Travis Barker :
“Hello fellow humans in the UK and Europe. I understand your confusion and frustration at hearing the US tour announcement tonight. Here’s what’s up. This tour was booked ALONGSIDE the UK/European dates, a long time ago. We did NOT book the US tour after deciding to postpone the UK/European dates. The plan was to finish the album, tour the UK/Europe, and then come back for the US tour. We ran late on when we thought we’d finish the album, and unfortunately the time we needed made the first leg impossible.
Hopefully it’s for the best, because some of the best work on the album is being done these past few weeks. Now there’s a hard deadline for the album to be turned in, and it will be released during our US tour.
That’s what’s up. I get and share your anger at the postponement of the first leg of the tour. As we’ve said before, it wasn’t a decision lightly made. At all. But don’t think for a second that we decided to tour the US instead of the UK. It’s not the case. For me personally, I can’t wait to get back across the pond. With new songs and a new show.
And lastly, Chelsea Football Club rules. Those who disagree are just jealous, or something.”
Senin, 20 Juni 2011
Blink 182 Akan Rilis Lagu Baru Di Juli/ Agustus Nanti
Setelah mengumumkan jadwal tur baru yang dimulai pada bulan Agustus 2011 mendatang serta merilis lirik lagu Kaleidoscope, baru-baru ini Blink 182 mengumumkan akan merilis sebuah lagu baru. Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Tom DeLonge sang vokalis merangkap gitaris dalam sebuah wawancara bersama WiLD 95.5 West Palm Beach, Florida.
Dalam sesi wawancara tersebut, DeLonge mengungkapkan Blink 182 akan merilis salah satu lagu barunya pada bulan Juli atau awal Agustus mendatang. Tepatnya lagi, sebelum Blink 182 berangkat tur Honda Civic yang dimulai 5 Agutus 2011.
Wah, tambah nggak sabar nih!
New Found Glory: "Radiosurgery Album Is Our Best" Check out their action directly below.
New Found Glory was just announced that they had finally finished recording the latest album, radiosurgery. Many are asking about this album. Not only the single alone, but also as a whole. Recently, the guitarist, Chad Gilbert said if he believes radiosurgery is the best album ever made by New Found Glory.
"We'll prove it to all fans of NFG and to ourselves that this album (radiosurgery) is something new and full of improvisation. These recordings are the best recordings ever made NFG. Radiosurgery is our best album. "He explained confidently.
Radiosurgery album now in the process of mixing and mastering. And the plan itself will be released in late 2011. Like what ya about? We'll wait!
All Time Low enliven Hoppus On Music Check out their action under this
Mainstream Metal Hard style so mainstream, it does not mean death for the metal.
How does the development of local metal music from time to time? Adnan from HAI had talked casually with Bonny DeadSquad, Saturday (18 / 6) yesterday.
The ripper bass DeadSquad is assumed, it is difficult for the metal to become mainstream. Bonny see, there is regeneration of factors that bring the same kind of attitude for each actor metal. It's so basic fuel when a metal band through the phase of natural selection.
"Since the early '90s until now, metal has been moving rooted in each region. The spirit is carried in each generation was always the same. That the metal now become more colorful in terms of music, it is reasonable. But when speaking of local domains , it was difficult for the metal to become mainstream. But that does not mean there's no way, "says Bonny.
So, what are the moments that make the metal here so the more glorious? Wait for the next article.
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